My grandfather was a pilot who built his own airplanes, and an unparalleled storyteller. His rich and amusing life, and his sense of freedom, greatly influenced me. I’ve been a helicopter pilot, and without a doubt I know the value of keeping a cool temperament. Patience, trying again after meager results, compassion and empathy, the love of others, all are very important.

One of my favorite writers is Michel Onfray, with his epicurean, hedonistic and atheistic philosophy. I’m not at all an atheist, but it interests me to see another side of thought, because who knows who’s right? I believe in a higher power, but we can put whatever name we want on it, and I’m not so religious. His story interests me because it’s incredible to go from such a modest background to one of his generation’s most widely read philosophers! It shows that you can accomplish what you want to accomplish.

Raising the visibility of the silver-haired and other unconventional models matters.

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