Kevin Chong is the author of seven books, including the novels The Plague, Beauty Plus Pity, and Baroque-a-Nova and the memoir My Year of the Racehorse. His work has been published in Canada, the US, France, Australia, and Macedonia, and has been shortlisted for the Hubert Evans Fiction Prize and a National Magazine Award. He lives in Vancouver, where he teaches in the University of British Columbia’s Creative Writing Program and at The Writers’ Studio at Simon Fraser University.

Neil Young is one of the most consistently popular musicians of our time. His brilliant, gnomic, lyrical music has earned him fans of all ages and persuasions. Novelist Kevin Chong counts himself among them.

Neil Young will turn 60 in 2005. Kevin Chong will turn 30. To celebrate these two milestones, Chong sets off on a road trip in search of his boyhood hero. Crisscrossing the continent, he follows that route that led Young to become a musical legend.

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