I come from a large family:  there were nine boys and a girl, so the time I spent with my grandfather was very special.  My grandfather was someone who worked a lot, loved nature, and often took me on walks, where we’d discover wonderful things in the woods and the rivers.  He was a man who lived fully, was very passionate. He taught me things like gardening, and he took me fishing and mushroom-picking, teaching me to recognize all the local species and know which were safe and which were poisonous.  My father also did this with me, and today I’m continuing the tradition with my grandchildren. 

We collect the morels and chanterelles.  

There’s a global change.Nowadays we see  a lot of men and women in their fifties,sixties in magazines. Fifteen years ago this was not the case, we did not see them.A person in their fifties is no longer a stereotypical  grandfather or grandmother, these days people are active and doing all sorts of things.Beauty has no age .Women over sixty can be very beautiful, they often have a lot of charisma and class. This trend has no gender limitation-  it’s the same for men.

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