Our new documentary called “I am Mosuo” just premiered on the online platform. It’s an oral documentary about the minority ethnic group of Mosuo, who mainly live in the Lugu Lake area near the border between Sichuan and Yunan province in China.Because of its Matrilineal family form, the Mosuo ethnic group has attracted great attention from international anthropologists and are considered as ‘’the holders of living legacy” in the field of anthropology.

However, in the past decade, the group seems to have been brought into a carnival of curiosity and become an online celebrity group hotly debated by the public. 

 Matrilineal family form and the custom of walking marriage in the evening and leaving in the morning are the two cultural symbols of Mosuo that have been widely misread and consumed. This unidimensional point of view is kind of rigid, single and at times feels like a kind negation of Mosuo culture. For the Mosuo people, the Mosuo culture is far more than the matrelinal model, it encompases ancient wisdom. This is a rich culture that reflects how to be a human being and how to live with nature.

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